Everyone welcome to the Online East Asian Dharma Celebration 2021 with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
Join us from 20 – 22 March for a spiritual holiday!
Ultimate Freedom from Suffering
Blessing Empowerment of White Tara and Teachings on How to Accomplish Deathlessness
Because people are constantly living in panic and distress nowadays, everyone is seeking for protection from all kinds of sufferings such as illnesses to our time of death, which is unknown. For this reason, where we need to truly turn to is Dharma – the only solution that offers permanent protection from all suffering.
Through practicing Buddha’s teachings on compassion and wisdom continuously, we will eventually be liberated from suffering, experience permanent happiness and be able to lead all living beings to the same state.
However, we will not be able to accomplish this ultimate aim if untimely death puts an end to our precious human life. We therefore need to sincerely request White Tara, the Compassionate Mother, to bestow a long life, wisdom and merit to all living beings.
In this Dharma Celebration, Gen Tonglam will grant the blessing empowerment of White Tara and give commentary to the practice and supreme teachings on “deathlessness” based on The New Eight Steps to Happiness by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
Through relying upon White Tara with faith, receiving her blessings and engaging in this practice, she will protect us from contagious diseases, increase our life span, wisdom and merit. Eventually we will attain the deathless state of enlightenment.
Join us for this special spiritual holiday and embark on a journey to actualizing your human potential.
The event will remain online until 1:00pm on Thursday 1 April 2021 (HK time).
“A very special meaningful holiday learning how to find happiness from within your own mind through concentrating on spiritual practice.”
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche